• The Package rolled mad deep with new funky funky official team shirts which were an instant hit. They are not for sale, as they are "Official Member" shirts. "Athletic Supporter" shirts may be available in pink next season.

• Connie's Ric Rac proved to be the perfect venue, like a shitty VFW or something out of Fight Club. As the final round heated up things got tense as the Majestic 12 hollered ungraciously at 3 Finger Bill, much to the chagrin of Von Damonator. Caught in the middle was Tits McGee, who was bruised by a drunk idiot who in any other circumstance would have been given a good face punching. It didn't matter, as 20 seconds later David Bowie's Package stormed the stage to lift up our new Champ and her gigantic check!
• From the looks of the Flickr pool you'd think that our team was more than the 3 charter members and 3 semi-regular members of the Package, as random Dirty Dozen and Majestic 12 team members wiggled onto the stage and into EVERY DAMN PHOTO.
• Von Damonator unwittingly threw "The Bible," a 7-paper gambit which completes this season's new gambit trio of Heart Attack, Guillotine, and The Bible.
• Paper Tiger is an "Iceberg of Spite." Our kind of people.
• Baconshark did not win a single throw in his match.
• Mr. Is won the finals with paper, the same throw that Baconshark won with last year.
• The Papercut Posse are pretty awesome.
• El Toro Papaya did not show up, which made him look pretty lame since his face was on the street money for the night.
• Baconshark designed the street money, with RPS' favorite faces on them: El Toro Papaya, Fighting Mongooses, Post Human, Baconshark, PJ Rhymeswithsausage, Zombie Llama, and Paper Tiger. Gizmo got an autographed set.

• This offseason The Package will be looking to add new members to our team to combat the Majestic 12, who seemed to have a new poorly groomed mouth breather on hand at each event this year.
• The Majestic 12 seemed to be in the midst of some squabbling at the end, perhaps a split in the ranks is on the horizon for the arch nemeses of The Package?
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