Friday, June 6, 2008

No Joy In David Bowie's Packageville

The season ended for David Bowie's Package last night. A trio of Package members faced a rowdy crowd of mostly Majestic 12 at The Dive. Mr. Is proved herself to be the current Most Consistent Player in the PBRPRPSCLCS by once again losing in the first round. Baconshark beat some dude, had a bye, then lost to some dude. And PJ Rhymeswithsausage, who had a small shot at both the Total Points lead and Total Street Money, blew it all. PJ faced Loomer in the first round. A first round loss by Loomer followed by a 1st or 2nd place finish by PJ would clinch the title for PJ. Anything less would make it Loomer's day. And I totally beat Loomer. But in the 2nd round I was taken out by Bob Loblaw and his Law Blog. Later in the night, Billy Shears sacrificed his liver to buy a lot of Specials and clinch the Street Money championship.

Overall, it was still a good night filled with camaraderie and Pabst. Saturday night is the 2008 Championship. Baconshark will defend his title against a bunch of surly folks. Let's see how it turns out. David Bowie's Package rules!!

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