We here at David Bowie’s Package have been maintaining radio silence for no good reason. So here’s the short version of everything since
Mr. Is won the PBRPRPSCLCS Championship in June.
Mr. Is was out with friends one night in July and found herself at a USA RPS event. It’s a league run by Budwiser and is as crappy as you might think. Anywho, Mr. Is swept through all challengers to win the whole shebang for the night. Many drunk dudes threw Rock at her. Being the Champ she is, her Paper was strong. And what was the payoff? A crappy Bud Lite lawn chair that broke after two uses. Go Champ!

Mr. Is has since taken off for the greener and colder pastures of Colorado to continue her education and RPS training. She’s gonna come back some day and be all smart and stuff.
PJ Rhymeswithsausage and his lovely wife went on their delayed honeymoon to Australia and New Zealand. Holy cow, it was lovely! Pictures and some details at
PJ’s Flickr page.

October saw a handful of David Bowie’s Package going to Toronto, Ontario, Canada for the Yahoo! World Rock Paper Scissors Championship. It was a big road trip carpool sextravaganza starring 2008 PBRPRPSCLCS Champ Mr. Is, 2007 PBRPRPSCLCS Champ Baconshark, that PJ Rhymeswithsausage guy, and special gust star and official Friend Of The Package: Paper Tiger. We drove all night to get to Toronto early that Friday morning. We participated in much alcohol and tourism. Toronto is a really fun city. David Bowie’s Package recommends staying at the
Canadiana Backpacker’s Inn. It’s a nice place with nice people, and free pancakes!

The tournament was a good time. There were many pictures of PJ Rhymeswithsausage from his 2006 visit to the Championship on display. Sadly though, Mr. Is and Baconshark were felled by the same player in round 1 & 2. PJ Rhymeswithsausage defeated his first two opponents, but then lost to the gal who eventually took 2nd Place overall. Paper Tiger also lost early, but used hard earned Street cash to buy his way back in to the tournament. He made it to the Round Of 32, but lost to the same gal who beat PJ Rhymeswithsausage. That girl should think twice before coming to Philadelphia…


The drive back home was swift and merciless, as all who attended had to return to work or school the next day. But all in all, it was a great time. David Bowie’s Package hopes to return some day and claim total world domination in the name of a rock star’s wang.

There have been a few (poorly documented) off-season events in the world of PBRPRPSCLCS since the championship in July. David Bowie’s Package hasn’t fared too well in these events, but PJ Rhymeswithsausage has won the Street RPS tournament at every event. Each of these victories have earned him a $20 bar tab at The Dive, and this has resulted in a happy and tipsy David Bowie’s Package. And with those victories, PJ Rhymeswithsausage has won every Street RPS tournament since (and including) the PBRPRPSCLCS Championship. Now that this Fun Fact is public, PJ Rhymeswithsausage will never win anything ever again, the end.
In other news, Fighting Mongooses looks like white trash comic Bill Engvall.

That’s all the news for now. David Bowie’s Package rules!
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