Monday, May 12, 2008

Creative Heckling

Attention geeks with nothing better to do. Portions of tonight's heckling at the Khyber will be quoted from bad reviews of the Speed Racer movie. You can play too!

The quotes:

"adventurously awful"

"you wonder if (David Bowie's Package) aren't trying to pull off an elaborate hoax"

"Borderline-experimental in the way it challenges the limits of perception. It's forward-thinking, visionary, and much of the time unwatchable."

"demands you be a glutton for sensation"

"Orgy, hell"

"self-conscious grandiosity"

"fakeness of it all overwhelms"

"a deranged techno fantasia"

"a Warholian blur of pop art"

"like eye candy laced with lidocaine"

"what might result from the explosion of a Crayola factory"

"like a nightmare in which you're trapped in an arcade with screens on all sides and no eyelids"

"more akin to that phenomenon by which young infants, exposed to more stimuli than their systems are equipped to handle, will simply shut down"

"the trippiest stonerfest since Stanley Kubrick took his space odyssey"

"gaudy as a transvestites convention and soullessly cute as a robot puppy"

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